Evaluation of Behavior Change Communication Products on Helminthiases in China
Behavior Change Communication (BCC) is one important measurement in helminthiases control. To summarize and generalize BCC practice and experiences into helminthiasis-endemic areas in China and other developing countries, evaluation of BCC products was carried out in China in 2016, sponsored by UBS foundation. Expert panel was established, which formulated the evaluation protocol. Between April and May, 96 group products were collected. Based on evaluation indicators and experts scoring, excellent products were selected. Prize presentation was done in the third Symposium of Surveillance Response System on Tropical Diseases in Shanghai on 16th and 17th, June 2016, in which an international seminar on control of helminthiases by BCC was also carried out. Experts from China, Southeast Asia, Africa and international organizations reported and discussed the BCC practice and experiences in control of helminthiases, as well as the application of the excellent BCC products in helminthiases-endemic areas.